Context menu vertical spacing

I would like to change the vertical spacing - the spacing between lines - in context menus.

I know that the spacing of DO right-click menus is dependent upon the use of separators and the display of icons with the items. Explorer context menus have the same spacing as DOpus, with separators having the same effect, but their spacing is NOT dependent upon the display of icons. The Explorer icons are slightly smaller than the default DOpus icons but if an applications icon (from an .EXE or .DLL) is used in DOpus, it displays smaller; just as it does in Explorer. If a DOpus file-type context menu has only Explorer icons in it -- or no icons -- the DOpus menu will be shorter -- the same length as the Explorer menu. As a side note, DOpus file-type menu icons are never displayed in Explorer menus, even if an application's icon is used in the DOpus menu.

My questions: Can the DOpus context menu icon size be configured? I'm assuming if the icons were smaller, then the DOpus menus would be the same size as Explorer.
Or is there some other config parameter that can be adjusted? Of is there another DOpus icon set with smaller default icons?

Which context menus (or menu items if it's the ones you get when right-clicking files) do you mean?

The Directory Opus Archives menu items, when right-clicking files, are the only ones I can think of which use icons at all by default, but maybe I'm forgetting some others.

(For the Directory Opus Archives items, I don't think there is a way to change which icons they use but you can either turn off the icons entirely via a Preferences option, or, turn off the menu items themselves and then define your own custom menu items to do the same things, with the icons of your choice, in their place.)

The menus I'm thinking of are the File Type menus. If I don't use icons they are fine -- which is an option -- but I kinda like them... A simple solution would be to make a copy of the standard icons file and make them smaller but that's beyond me, I'm afraid