Convert a zip file to a 7z file and Move the 7z to the Destination

(See Formatting tips specific to the Opus forum for tips to avoid the forum mangling code containing backslashes and asterisks. I've edited the root post to fix things.)

Avoid the HERE argument in any button that runs more than one Copy command, as it can change what the button's destination is in subsequent commands.

Try this, which will create the archive in the destination directly:

Copy FILE="{file$}" EXTRACT=sub TO="{sourcepath$}" CREATEFOLDER="Temp {file$|noext} zzz"
Copy FILE="{sourcepath$}Temp {file|noext} zzz\*" ARCHIVE=.7z TO="{destpath$}"
Delete FILE="Temp {file$|noext} zzz" QUIET
Delete FILE="{file$}" QUIET

Or this, if you want to create it in the source first before moving it to the destination like you were doing:

(e.g. Can be better for a slow destination. Or to get an overwrite prompt if the archive already exists, instead of merging the new contents into the old archive.)

@set ArcName={file$|noext}
Copy EXTRACT=sub TO="{sourcepath$}" CREATEFOLDER="Temp {$ArcName} zzz"
Copy FILE="{sourcepath$}Temp {$ArcName} zzz\*" ARCHIVE=.7z TO="{sourcepath$}"
Delete FILE="Temp {$ArcName} zzz" QUIET
Delete FILE="{filepath$}" QUIET
Copy FILE="{$ArcName}.7z" MOVE TO="{destpath$}"