"Copy ARCHIVE=.7z,single"->This operation is not supported by this VFS

Hi, I'm trying to create a separate 7z archive in the current folder for each selected file and folder, but the popup "This operation is not supported by this VFS" appears when I try to do so.

I'm using Opus 12.30 x64, Windows 10 Pro (latest update) and have 7zip installed (I know I don't have to install it for Dopus 7z compression to work).

Thank you!

We plan to add support for that soon, but at the moment you need to use a workaround. The one described here should still work:

Thank you so much for the quick reply. I'm no programmer so please instruct me on making modifications to the script so that it can create .7z files. ; )

Changing all "zip" to "7z" should be all you need to do.

It worked great, thank you!