Copy file or folder name to clipboard, ignore extension etc

Try this:

Clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths REGEXP "(.*[^ ]) ?(\(|\[).+(\)|\])(.*)" \1\4

Thaks Leo for replay.
Extra Space is fixed But The file Extension is not Fixed.

Original File Name : ABCE (test).txt
After Using This Code: ABCE.txt
Feed Back: Big problem is here is the File Extension. Please Remove The File extension for fix the code.

Try this:

Clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths REGEXP "(.*[^ ]) ?(\(|\[).+(\)|\])(.*)" \1\4 (.*)\.[^\.]+$ \1

I recommend learning regular expressions so you can do this yourself, as it's be much faster than waiting for us to get exactly what you want.

Thanks Leo, Problem Solved
Where can I Learn regular expressions?

We have an introduction to them here:

Google also has pages of tutorials if you just search for "regular expressions". I'm not sure which to recommend, but I'm sure at least some of them are good.

Thanks Leo