Button to copy selected files to a remote host.
The uploaded copy will have a web-safe name. URLs for the uploaded files are copied to the clipboard. The button assumes your remote host is saved in Opus' Address Book (replace "example" bellow for your host name). The URL prefix is hard-coded (replace it too).
Folders are ignored by the "Rename RECURSE", so they don't adquire an web-safe name at the other end.
Copy AS *.upload HERE
Select NONE
Select *.upload
Rename RECURSE PATTERN (.*)([^-0-9a-zA-Z._]+)(.*)# TO \1_\3 REGEXP
Select *.upload
Clipboard COPYNAMES=nopaths REGEXP "(.*).upload" "http://www.example.org/download/\1"
Copy PATTERN *.upload AS * MOVE TO=@example/download FORCE