Copy Filter: Bug or Designed As?


I've a question about the "Copy Filter":

1: Select (some) directories
2: Select "Copy Filter"
3: Click with mouse on "Copy Files"
4: A Filter-dialog is presented ---> OK


1: Select (some) directories
2: Select "Copy Filter"
3: Select with mouse on "Copy Files" (Pulldown) and click on "Copy Files (Ctrl + 1)"
4: A Filter-dialog is presented ---> OK


1: Select (some) directories
2: Select "Copy Filter"
3: Use the shortcut Ctrl+1
4: NO Filter-dialog is presented ---> ALL files are copied -> NOK??

Why is there a difference between a mouseclick and a shortcut -> very confusing!

Is this a bug or works this as designed?

Thanks in advance,


Interesting, yes you're right, it's a bug. We'll fix that in the next update.

As a workaround you can edit the Copy Files button (the one inside the drop-down, not the one on the main toolbar) and change the command to:

@keydown:none Copy @keydown:ctrl Copy @keydown:shift Copy AS

Thank you Jon,

I modified the button but it still isn't presenting a filter-dialog after pressing Ctrl-1.

BTW: the same thing happens with Ctrl-2 (Move).

Hello Jon,

This issue is solved in the new beta. Thanks a lot!