Copy Filter - no Folders

Hi All,

I've a huge directory-structure with files in some directories (but nog in all directories). The structure is for temp-storage of files. Now and then I want to copy all the files to a destionation-structure but leave the original structue intact.

I tried it with this filter:
Name match "."
And Type No Match Folders

Nothings happens. No files are copied of moved. I don't know why.

Could you please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Greetings, Rien.

That sounds like you do want to copy the folders. But I am not sure I have properly understood what you're aiming for.

Could you give a simple example of what you want the source/destination folders to look like before & after the copy?

Hi Leo,

I have a temp-structure, e.g.

Now and then files are placed in some folders (e.g. \subfolder1 and \subfolder3)

On my NAS the same directory-structure is available.

Now I would like to MOVE the files from the temp-structure to the NAS but leave the temp-structure intact.

So I thougt:
if the filter is "No Match Folders" that DO wouldn't move the folders; only the files inside.


Hi Leo,

Even more simple: How can I move files out of a directory-structure without distroying that structure?

Tank you!

I'm not sure there is a good way to do it using filters, but there's an easy way to do it slightly differently:

  • Turn the filter off it it's still on.
  • Go into Flat View > Mixed (No Folders) mode.
    You'll see a list of all the files by themselves.
  • Select All, then Move.
  • You'll be asked if you want to flatten or re-create. Select re-create.
    If you aren't asked, check the "When copying in Flat View mode..." setting under Preferences / File Operations / Copy Options.

There are lots of ways to get into Flat View mode, but these are probably the easiest.

Right-click the Flat-View icon on the default toolbars for a menu of the modes:

Or, use the more traditional Folder menu: