Checkmark "Copy metadata (comments, keywords, etc)" doesn't do anything. Folders always copied without metadata.
Which metadata are we talking about?
What kind of drive are you copying to? If it's not an NTFS drive then it may not support the metadata (depending on which type of metadata it is).
Desciption, Rating, Tags.
I copy from D: to D: (same drive). NTFS of course.
Thank you. works fine.
Found that MOVE still loose metadata anyway. Between different disks.
Copy works fine.
Thanks, confirmed.
Hi everyone,
I've got a similar problem that I want to report:
I created a *.txt file and used the metadata pane to add the tags: test1; test2 and the comment test and then saved the metadata.
However any copy of the file looses the metadata completely (on the same disk, on a different disk or over network - the metadata is always lost).
I am using Win7 x64 Ultimate, an NTFS file system on all tested harddisks (well one was an SSD) and DOpus 4779 (x64)
Please help!
Thanks a lot,
Sorry the issue has been resolved.
For some reason "copy metadata" was unchecked again under
Preferences -> File Attributes -> Copy Attributes
Now it works fine for me - even over the network!