What I am trying to do is copy the metadata Tags from the folder and then write them into the files in the folder.
I have a button to write clipboard to metadata Tags
But I cannot find how to copy metadata Tags to clipboard with a button.
Using a script would probably be the best way to go. You can use the metadata object to get the Tags or other metadata, and could also then apply the same things to files within the folder all in one go (using a command similar to the one you already have), or the script could copy the Tags to the clipboard to do it that way.
Thanks Leo
After much searching the forums found a button that copies Tags/Keywords to Clipboard by Steje in 2012
Rename FILEINFO TO {keywords}
// ################## This section goes into folder selects .mkv and writes tags
Select "*.mkv"
SetAttr META "Tags:"
SetAttr META "Tags:{clip}"
// ##############################################################################
@script vbscript
Option Explicit
Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Function Rename_GetNewName(strFileName, strFilePath, fIsFolder, strOldName, ByRef strNewName)
Dim strCommand, vbQuote
strCommand = ""
vbQuote = Chr(34)
' DOpus.OutputString(strNewName)
strCommand = vbQuote & "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" & vbQuote & " /cmd clipboard set " & strNewName
' Set strNewName to an empty string so that Opus does not rename the file
strNewName = ""
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run strCommand, 1, False
Set objShell = Nothing
End Function
Added the following
Select "*.mkv"
SetAttr META "Tags:"
SetAttr META "Tags:{clip}"
First time I click the button it goes into the folder selects the .mkv but does not remove and the replace the Tags
Go back select the same folder and this time it goes into the folder selects the .mkv removes and replaces the tags.
If I only have
SetAttr META "Tags:"
First time selects .mkv does nothing
Second time selects .mkv removes Tags
SetAttr META "Tags:{clip}"
First time selects .mkv does nothing
Second time selects .mkv writes Tags.
Am I missing something
I wouldn't use that script. It's very old and from the days when doing a fake Rename was the only way to run some script code or access some metadata from inside a command.
How familiar are you with javascript or vbscript?
Not very I have used a few scripts from the forum that I managed to modify to what I wanted but only like I have done with this script.