Copy/Move graphs not showing

Currently moving a lots of files from one network share to another and noticed that the performance graphs are missing:


Do I have to enable an option for this to be shown? OTH, I got the graph while copying/moving some other files before, so it seems not a global issue here.

Looks like they can’t be calculated for some reason.

The size of the file being copied isn’t displayed either, which is unusual.

Anything unusual about the drive?

The size is shown and changes for each copied/moved file, just watched the progress:

Edit: It's not the same size information as in screenshot below, just noticed.

I can not see anything unusual here. I'm connected with my tablet to the company, using VPN, and the drive letter W: is mapped to a network share.

Strange enough, when doing another copy, I get the graph:

The source again is a mapped network share and the target is the same drive letter as above, different subfolder, though.

That’s the amount copied so far, not the total size (which normally appears in the blank space to the right of that).

Maybe I've found the difference which may cause the graph disappearing?

In my initial posting, I'm moving files from a grouped lister (eval groups) to a destination folder, although grouped. The graph is missing!

When copying the same files from the same (grouped) source as above to another location, not grouped, I get the graph:

Edit: to be precise: It's the grouped source which causes the graph to not appear, not the destination.

A screenshot showing how the lister is grouped and what's selected before copying might help understand what's happening. As far as I can think, grouping shouldn't affect the graph.

Here you go. Currently two groups are used/visible and I selected the files in the second visible group, using the header of the group:

Then I pressed the move button on my toolbar without any modifier:


The target folder has the same grouping scheme activated as the source. The graph is missing during the move process:

Which means now:

Source Destination Graph
Grouped Grouped None
Ungrouped Grouped Yes
Grouped Ungrouped Yes

I'm using this evaluator group

if ((value > Now()) || UCase(ext) != "HTML" ) { return }; 

// date calculations for performance increase
diffMonths = DateDiff("m", Now(), value);
// diffDays = DateDiff("d", Now(), value);
diffDays = Age(value);
currentWeek = (Now() as "D#yyyyww" as int);
valueWeek = (value as "D#yyyyww" as int);
collapse = true;
if (diffDays == 0) { group = "Today"; order = 1; }  //today
  elseif(diffDays == -1) { group = "Yesterday"; order = 3; } //yesterday
    elseif(currentWeek == valueWeek  ) { group = "This week"; order = 5; } //this week
	  elseif(currentWeek - valueWeek == 1 ) { group = "Last week"; order = 7; } //last week
	  	elseif(diffMonths == 0 ) { group = "This month"; order = 9; } //this month
	      elseif(diffMonths == -1 ) { group = "Last month"; order = 11; } //last month
		    elseif(DateDiff("yyyy", Now(), value) == -1 ) { group = "Last year"; order = 999; } //last year 
		       else { group = Format("%1 - %2", value as "D#yyyy", value as "D#MMMM");  
			   		  // sort to the bottom
					  order = 99 + ((Now() as "D#yyyy" as int) - (value as "D#yyyy" as int) as int + (value as "D#MM") as int); };

if ( InStr( name, "_ERROR" ) > 0)
	{   collapse = ( order == 1 ) ? false : true;
		group += " (with error)"; 
		order += 1;  
// Output("Name: " + name + " Group:" + group + " Order:" + order + " Collapse:" + collapse );

return [ name = group;  order = order; collapse = collapse ];