Copy Remote File Path

I often upload files to my ftp and give the link to someone. usually i have to use my browser and navigate to the folder where i put it in and add the filename to the url. to make this process faster i made a hotkey&button with this command:

Clipboard COPYNAMES=url REGEXP ([ftp://|file:///](ftp://|file:///))(.*)//(.*) http://\2/\3 

it copys the paths of the selected files to clipboard and turns it into http urls. this command only works if the ftp and the http domains are the same.
I assume there is no better way yet. so i suggest this as feature of future versions.

If there is a way it would be nice to hear. If not, the workaround is still very useful for me and everyone else feel free to use it too.

You can give the command you are using as many pairs of regex find & replace strings as you want.

So you could give the command a bunch of expressions which find one host/prefix and replace it with another, for example.

ok, thanks thats works for me.

i dont know if this is the right place to make suggestions but i think this could become a practical default feature of dopus in general:
the could be a option in folderoptions that allows to set a remote/alternative path for a folder. The bar over the lister which becomes blue when the lister is selected(i dont know the name, sorry) could be used to switch through all possible remote paths. it is often redundant anyway.
This could display alternative paths for many scenarios:
remotepath of a local folder that is used by a ftp server
the network path of a windows shared folder
the http path of a html folder on a server in the home network
the real path of the desktop folder
paths of mounted isos ("D:\spiele\battlefield2\Battlefield 2.ISO\directx" instead of G:\directx")
real path of drives that are created with the windows subst command (and anything that behaves like symlinks on linux)
unc path and file:/// notation

Sounds similar to what you can do with these things:

these things do not support subfolders which is the most important thing of the whole idea

The second post contains a script that could be made to support anything.