Copy, Rename and move in one process

I would like to be able to create versioned backups of certain files. I'd use a dual lister with the source on left and destination on the right. The idea being that the original file would be backed up periodically and each backup would have the date of backup included in the filename.
I want to be able to click a menu button to create a copy of the selected file with the current date as the suffix (existingfilename-dd-mm-yy) and move that copy to the destination.
I've searched the forums and whilst I've found some partial solution (Leo's code to duplicate a file) I am unable to do what I want.
Could anyone help please?

This is probably what you want:

@nofilenamequoting Copy AS "{file|noext}-{date|dd-MM-yy}{file|ext}"

Should work on both files and folders, preserving the extensions of the files. (If you want the date after the extension then it can be done in a more simple way.)

That's perfect, thanks Leo. :thumbsup: