Copy renamewhensame

Long time Opus user (former Amigan) on Opus U.

I'm pretty sure this has to be an 1D10T error, but I can't figure it out.

We keep all of our family photos from our digital camera mirrored on a couple of systems/drives and only get around to printing them every few months. This time around, it's been over a year, and I have a LOT of photos to print. I need to burn the ones we want to a CD-ROM to take into the store for printing.

I created a Collection and proceeded to use thumbnails view and the viewer to browse all of our photos and copy (references to) them to the Collection. Ok, stage one, done. Then, I went to copy them to the CD-ROM directory and realized I have a problem. Due to circumstances beyond my control, some of the photos have identical names. I can't copy them without name clashes and overwrites.

I see the COPY command offers the RENAMEWHENSAME/S option which says:
RENAMEWHENSAME/S: This option modifies the behavior of the Copy command when the files you
are copying already exist in the destination folder. Usually attempting to copy a file over an existing file
produces a “Replace this file?” confirmation dialog. With this option specified, the copied files are
automatically given new names so they do not clash with existing files.

This sounds like exactly what I need, but I haven't been able to make it work. I tried using the internal command shell, I tried binding it to a custom button and running it. No matter what, Opus still asks me to rename the files when it finds a name clash.

Am I missing something? Has anyone else successfully used this feature in this fashion>

When the first name clash happens and you're shown the Replace File dialog, does the Replace button at the bottom have an arrow on the right? You should be able to click that and select the Auto-Rename option.

The command to do this automatically should be Copy RENAMEWHENSAME. I don't have time at the moment to try it out but if that's the same thing you were using, try it when copying from a normal directory to another normal directory. Maybe there's a caveat when copying from a collection? As far as I know it should work, though. Either way, using the auto-rename option in the Replace File dialog is probably the quickest way to get things done.