Copy selected type of files to diferent folders

I select manually diferent files, some .jpg files and .pdf files, for example, and then I want to move them on a folder but create subfolder depending of the type o file, the .jpg files selected move it to the folder "J:\logan\images" and the .pdf files in "J:\logan\pdf", but this must work only with the selected files, can somebody help me to create a button for that please.

Something like this but with the selected files only:

copy move ".(ipa)" to "here" CreateFolder "iPhone/aplicaciones/ipas/" WHENEXISTS=rename
copy move "
.(SH)" to "here" CreateFolder "iPhone/Comandos/" WHENEXISTS=rename
copy move ".(deb)" to "here" CreateFolder "iPhone/aplicaciones/deb/" WHENEXISTS=rename
copy move "
.(m4r)" to "here" CreateFolder "iPhone/tonos/" WHENEXISTS=rename

Does my answer in Copy file to path only if it has a specific extension (the thread you replied to just before posting this one) not work for you?

If it doesn't work, please say what goes wrong, in the other thread. (Please link your account too.)

copy move "*.ipa" CreateFolder "{sourcepath}iPhone/aplicaciones/ipas" WHENEXISTS=rename Select RESELECT copy move "*.SH" CreateFolder "{sourcepath}iPhone/Comandos" WHENEXISTS=rename Select RESELECT copy move "*.deb" CreateFolder "{sourcepath}iPhone/aplicaciones/deb" WHENEXISTS=rename Select RESELECT copy move "*.m4r" CreateFolder "{sourcepath}iPhone/tonos" WHENEXISTS=rename

I think that will ignore the file selection and copy all files in the current folder matching the patterns.