Copying/moving folders - warning for the same folder names?


I copy/move whole folders a lot. When I do this in Explorer and identical folder name already exists in the destination place I receive a warning saying that such folder exists (plus a question whether I want to replace files inside with same names).

Using DOpus to do so I do not receive a warning when trying to move/copy folders with the same name already existing in the destination location. The only warning I get if there are files with the same names inside those folders.

To illustrate this:

  • location A - folder 'ABC' with file EXAMPLE.doc
  • location B - folder 'ABC' with file BLABLA.doc
    When moving folder 'ABC' from A to B I do not get any message.


  • location A - folder 'ABC' with file EXAMPLE.doc
  • location B - folder 'ABC' with file EXAMPLE.doc
    when moving folder 'ABC' I get the warning of overwriting the file.

What I want to have is to get the warning that folder with a specific name already exists in the destination location, regardless of the files inside it. Is it possible with DOpus?

There's no option for that at the moment. If you merge two folders by mistake and don't overwrite any files you can use the Undo option to revert to how things were, though.

PS: You can also use a button which runs Select SOURCETODEST as a quick way to see if any thing selected in the source also exists (i.e. with the same name) in the destination, if that helps.