CREATEFOLDER NAME="{file|noext}-work folder"
2) I couldn't find a Button for this in my own collection. You should search the "Rename Scripting" Section for this.
I think it will need (like the next one) this technique: [url][OBSOLETE] "Abusing" Rename Scripts to do other things with file info]
3) Rename Folder to "Artist - Album - (Year)"
Rename FILEINFO TO="{mp3artist}_{mp3album}_{mp3year}"
@script vbscript
Option Explicit
dim DOpusRTPath
DOpusRTPath = "C:\Program Files\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe"
Dim Shell
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Dim fFirst
fFirst = TRUE
Function Rename_GetNewName(strFileName, strFilePath, fIsFolder, strOldName, ByRef strNewName)
Dim strCommand
Dim artist
Dim strInfoArray
Dim album
Dim annee
strInfoArray = split(strNewName, "_")
strNewName = ""
If fFirst Then
fFirst = FALSE
artist = strInfoArray(0)
album = strInfoArray(1)
annee = strInfoArray(2)
strCommand = """" & DOpusRTPath & """ /cmd Rename {filepath$|..|noterm} TO=""" & artist & " - " & album & " (" & annee & ")"""
Shell.Run strCommand,0,false
End if
End Function