Crash On Exit - Crash Dump 358

I uploaded crash report 358.


  • Crash on Exit (via menu or system tray) 13.10.1.

I initially believed it was associated with adding an OnInit() function to my button script.
After deleting the button, the crash on exit persists. I am unsure of the true cause.

Let me know if you need anything from me.

More Info:
In my case, the Crash on Exit occurs when showing a docked Dopus toolbar. It does not matter which toolbar is docked. If I undock the floating toolbar, then no crash occurs.

I reinstalled 13.10 (not beta) and same think occurs.
I have since put things back to 13.10.1

Looks like a script is still running when Opus is shutting down, and tries to clear the script log.

We'll add some code to check for that and similar in the next beta, although you may still run into other issues with scripts which keep going when Opus is trying to shut down.

Once again, you are 100% correct. The DOpus.clearOutput() function was outside of any other function calls.

Here is the Script Code that caused the Crash on Exit.

// UserScript

// This is a script for Directory Opus.
// See for development information.


// Called by Directory Opus to initialize the script
function OnInit(initData)


Thanks for you are quick response!

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