Crash with FAYT

Got a reproduceable crash in 12.32.0 when using FAYT by typing the following two characters =( and wait for a second.

Clipboard Image

I'm not able to reproduce that so far.

Were any crash logs created?

Does the same happen if you go to the same folder in File Explorer and type ( into the search field there?

Yes, I've send the corresponding dumps via mail.
It does not happen when I type ( in the windows search field.

BTW it also doesn't happen in every lister / directory. It happens in my desktop lister. Odd...

Many thanks!

Based on what the dumps show, I've made some changes for the next beta which I hope will fix this. (There's a bit of guesswork involved as I still haven't been able it reproduce the crash.)

Thanks! I'll try and let you know if it still happens or not in the next beta. I'm not sure if my setup/configuration is somehow involved in the circumstances. Let me know if you want me to upload it.

Found out a detail by coincidence, that may be important. It only happens in my default desktop-lister that opens automatically after launch. The tab of this lister is set to "Locked". If I unlock the tab, it doesn't happen.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks! I am able to reproduce the problem now, and have confirmed the fix I made works.

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Glad to hear. Thanks for fixing this so quickly.