Create an m3u playlist of all files in a collection?

it's easy to do manually. i put the files in want into a collection, select all, copy paths, paste as a text file, rename to playlist.m3u

but can a button be made to do this?

i would just play the files from the collection, but my 'play with foobar' button doesn't work with folders in collections...

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Where do you want the M3U file to be located?

good question!

just set it to My Documents, i'll decide later :slight_smile:

Here's one way to do it:

<?xml version="1.0"?> <button display="both"> <label>Write Playlist</label> <icon1>48</icon1> <function type="batch"> <instruction>@Set PlaylistPath={dlgsave|Write Playlist|{alias|mydocuments}\Playlist {date|yyyy-MM-dd} {time|HH-mm-ss}.m3u}</instruction> <instruction>@nofilenamequoting</instruction> <instruction>@runmode hide</instruction> <instruction>Select PATTERN *.(mp3|ogg|flac|aac|wma) DESELECTNOMATCH</instruction> <instruction>Echo #EXTM3U&gt;&quot;{$PlaylistPath}&quot;</instruction> <instruction>Echo {filepath$}&gt;&gt;&quot;{$PlaylistPath}&quot;</instruction> </function> </button>

(Based on this old post but modified to be more suitable for collections.)

thanks as always, leo! i'll try this out later today.

by the way, the only reason i keep posting questions is because i want to see what happens when your post count reaches 10,000. i think there might be fireworks :slight_smile:

@Set PlaylistPath={dlgsave|Write Playlist|{alias|mydocuments}\Playist {date|yyyy-MM-dd} {time|HH-mm-ss}.m3u}
old post[/url] but modified to be more suitable for collections.)[/quote]
Before you cut and paste, beware the possible typo in there.

\Playist {date|yyyy-MM-dd}

Sorry, but I am in the editing business.

Show me a food menu and I see the typos before I know what I can eat.

That one screamed out at me at the words flew by. Only leo will know if it is important.

Well spotted! I've updated the button. The typo meant the default filename for the M3Us would've had a typo in as well.