"Create and Move into Folder" named with the selected files' "last modified" date/other property

I have several shortcuts on my context menu that can copy/create/move selected items into new folders using info from the clipboard, today's date, the first item's name, etc. I wanted to be able to make an identical button that could do that but use the selected items' "last modified" date and discovered this cannot be done? Is this correct? If I am incorrect and it is possible, can this spiffy secret be shared? Seems like the feature would be available and not that much different that any of the other sources of information to name folders with. Thanks for the hep everyone.

It can be done fairly easily via scripting.

Rename can move files into folders based on metadata:

Rename TO={modifieddate}\*

Dude you are completely awesome thank you for that! Is there a way to configure the format of how the folder's date is displayed (i.e. 09/04/22 or 9/4/22) using this rename function?

I think i discovered my own answer.... for anyone that is interested:
Rename TO={modifieddate|D#MM-dd-yy}*
for example