Create filter re +1 Folders

I do it with Directory Opus.

Of course you have to have a place to upload to, and that's probably your real question. You might check with who you have your internet account with and see if they provide you with free space for a personal web site, many providers do (although few will tell you that). If they do not offer you a free location, then you may want to look at other web hosting options. I believe there are still a few free ones out there but off the top of my head I cannot tell who they might be.

To upload a file to the internet with DOpus, you usually need to know three things first:

  1. The FTP host address:
  2. The user name for that site.
  3. The password

Don't know if it's helpful or not but you could combine all of the Location filters into a single line using wildcards:

C:\Documents and Settings(All Users|Owner)(Start Menu|Favorites)*

The two directories that cause a global find to be slow on my Vista system are C:\Windows\winsxs & C:\Users\All Users\Application Data because of it's recursive nature. I'm using a matching subclause with locations not matching *\winsxs and *\application data\application data but they're not working. What's the correct syntax to match these folders.


Solved by using subfolder instead of subclause and patterns like *\winsxs*