Create & Load Profiles when using Duplicate File Finder

The Lister Duplicate File Finder works great but it is tedious to add additional folders to scan for duplicates (40 folders in my case). Is there a way to create and then load profiles with the different paths? This can be a big time saver for me.

For example: I create a profile with the following folders:


I then save the profile and then load into the Lister Duplicate File Finder to periodically check for duplicates within these folders.

Can this be done?

You could do something like that via a command:

Find DUPES IN "C:\abc" "D:\efg" "P:\xyz"

Clicking a button/hotkey with that command will run the duplicates search within the specified folders, using the other settings that are currently in the duplicates panel. (It won't show the panel, it'll take you straight to the results.)

Works like a charm. Thanks Leo.

Well, I thought it did. I knew there were no duplicates so I saw what was expected..nothing. But I thought I would double check by placing duplicates in various folders and unexpectedly nothing happened. I saw no progress in its scanning and it did not find six duplicates. It is like nothing happened at all.

I set the code up as a button. Is there something else that I was supposed to do? The concept is great because setting up code this way is the same as creating a profile.

It seemed to work for me.

Do you see the duplicates if you do the same thing using the panel?

It might need the "RECURSE" argument adding; when I tested it the duplicates were directly below the starting folders so maybe that's why it worked for me:

Find DUPES RECURSE IN "C:\abc" "D:\efg" "P:\xyz"

Hi Leo,
Adding that RECURSE seemed to work. I do have sub-folders within each parent folder which are scanned for duplicates. However, the result is confusing to me. The scan found the duplicates in the two different folders but I have no idea from which folder these dupes are located in. All I see are the dupes under the md5 header. I also do not know how to delete the particular dupe:

Add the Location column. It should be on by default for collections these days but maybe you config dates back to a time when it wasn't.

I should have realized that myself. Thank you for all your help.