CreateNumberedFolders - User Command

No idea who originally wrote this, I know I didn't. Credit to whoever did.

Create a button that runs a "Standard Function (Opus or External)" with this code:

[code]Rename FILEINFO FROM="." TO="{DlgStringS|Folder name and number range to create:|Folder Name,1,20}"
@script vbscript
Option Explicit

' Number of digits to pad the number to. For example, if PadTo
' is 3 then the script will generate 001, 002, 003, 004, etc..
Dim intPadTo
intPadTo = 3

' For information on the technique used in this button see:
' "Abusing" Rename Scripts to do other things with file info
' [OBSOLETE] "Abusing" Rename Scripts to do other things with file info

Dim Shell
Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Dim fs
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Function Rename_GetNewName(strFileName, strFilePath, fIsFolder, strOldName, ByRef strNewName)

Dim strTemp
Dim strFolderName
Dim intLast
Dim intCurrent
Dim strCurrent
Dim strCreatePath
Dim intComPos

if intPadTo < 1 then
	intPadTo = 1
end if

strFolderName = ""
intCurrent = 0
intLast = 0

intComPos = InStrRev(strNewName,",")
if intComPos > 0 then

	strTemp = Trim(Right(strNewName,Len(strNewName)-intComPos))

	if IsNumeric(strTemp) then

		intLast = CInt(strTemp)

		strTemp = Trim(Left(strNewName, intComPos-1))

		intComPos = InStrRev(strTemp,",")

		if intComPos > 0 then
			strFolderName = Trim(Left(strTemp, intComPos-1))
			strTemp = Trim(Right(strTemp,Len(strTemp)-intComPos))

			if IsNumeric(strTemp) then
				intCurrent = CInt(strTemp)
				strFolderName = "" ' Prevent anything from happening
			end if
		end if
	end if
end if

' Set strNewName to an empty string so that Opus does not rename the file.
strNewName = ""

if strFolderName <> "" then

	while intCurrent <= intLast
		strCurrent = CStr(intCurrent)
		If Len(strCurrent) < intPadTo Then
			strCurrent = String(intPadTo - Len(strCurrent), "0") & strCurrent
		End If

		strCreatePath = strFilePath & "\" & strFileName & "\" & strFolderName & " " & strCurrent

		if fs.FolderExists(strCreatePath) or fs.FileExists(strCreatePath) then
			DOpus.OutputString "Skipping " & strCreatePath
			DOpus.OutputString "Creating " & strCreatePath
		end if

		intCurrent = intCurrent + 1
end if

End Function[/code]

The default settings in the above code will create:

Folder Name 001 Folder Name 002 . . . Folder Name 019 Folder Name 020

When clicked, the script will ask you what the folder name and range is to be. Entered in as so:

Folder Name,Starting Number,Ending Number

The code above is set to use 3 digits for the numbering, but you can change that by adjusting this line:

intPadTo = 3