Creating a button to open with


I use several photo editing apps and im looking for a way to create buttons to open jpg/raw files.

Example. Sometimes i want to open a jpg/raw with photoshop or lightroom or another app. Using the right click and open with can be slow at times. So having a button assigned to open with what ever app i choose will help spend up productivity. Is this Possible?

Thanks ALL

Depends on the photo editing app. For Photoshop

{apppath|photoshop.exe}photoshop.exe {filepath$}

should work. Lightroom has no command line support, I think, so there is nothing Opus could do.

When editing your toolbars (Settings > Customize Toolbars), you can drag an exe or a shortcut to an exe to a toolbar to create a button for it.

A dialog will appear with options on how/whether to pass files to it, which also lets you test the command that it generates, since not all programs work the same way and some don't accept files via their command lines at all.


Dude you are so the man. Thank you so much. Works perfectly. :+1:

Thanks for responding. I went with Leo's approach. :grinning: