Creation date not equal when moving file from dir a to b


just mysterious ... maybe this is a Windows 7 problem - or it's a feature and not a bug :stuck_out_tongue:

I have - on the same drive - in directory A and directory B the same files (file names!) (they are .wav files and ripped with different CD drives).

In directory A I deleted the file (with the recycle bin). It has a time creation year 2013 ..., then I moved the file from directory B - time creation year 2014 ..., to directory A - and finally this file has the time creation year 2013 - and not 2014!

What happens here?

Then I moved the file back from dir A to dir B - and the time creation year changed back to 2014. Funny.

After that I emptied the recycle bin (the original file in dir A with time creation year 2013).

Then I moved the file again from dir B to dir A - and now the time creation year was 2014.

Is this normal Windows function?

When I move a file and there is a "deleted" file in the trash - the moved file gets the file creation timestamp of the deleted file?

Can someone confirm this? Is there maybe a registry setting in Windows to avoid this - or is it possible to avoid this in DO (used 11.4.4 Beta) in any way?


This is called "tunnelling" and is a file-system feature. A fairly good explanation of it is here.

Thanks a lot Jon, never heard about that !!!!

But that is NOT what I want when I move the file ...

When I move the file from dir B to dir A (deleted the file in A, then moved, or maybe I move from B to A but overwrite the one in A), I want to have the new creation timestamp - at least when I have deleted the file in dir A before. I don't want to wait 15 seconds!

The reason is why I want the new timestamp - I "know" that all files created in 2013 have been ripped from the old CD drive .. the new files created in 2014 are from the new drive. For me it's a manual work because of other things.

Is it possible to add something in DO that when I move the file I don't get the "creation timestamp" from the previous deleted file (from the "tunneling cache")?

When I copy the file from dir B to dir A, then I have the new creation timestamp (as in the preferences!), but not when I move it? Sorry, but that is not to understand. :open_mouth: :question:

I never heard of any of this before either, but I notice that both the reference linked in Jon's reply and a KB article linked in that reference describe modifying the 15 second time limit by creating registry entries.

Two caveats:

First, mention is only made of increasing the time, not decreasing it, though mention is made of disabling tunneling completely.

Second, the KB article seems rather old. I don't know if it still applies to Windows 7 or not.

I don't know that I'd advise trying to make any of these changes, but if the behavior bothers you enough ...

You could create a button that copies the selected file from the source to the destination and then sets the created date to the created date of the source file.
That should work.