Note: this question was posted several weeks ago, before I paid for the software, and was not answered. I'm not sure whether the old post gets flagged as a support request, hence the fresh posting.
Dear gpsoft,
I'm using an application called SecureFX (from VanDyke Software) to access drives on remote machines. When transferring files between the remote machine (a linux server) and my 32 bit Windows 7 pc I get the following behaviour:
Remote to local (ie SecureFX window to dopus window) by "drag and drop": works fine
Local to remote (ie dopus window to SecureFX window) by "drag and drop": works fine
Remote to local (ie SecureFX window to dopus window) by Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V: fails with an "unknown error" message from dopus.
Local to remote (ie dopus window to SecureFX window) by Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V: works fine
Looks like something needs fixing for (3) above. I'm a new used of Directory Opus. I used to use PowerDesk but on Win 7 it is extremely slow. Hence the move.
The issue is most likely SecureFX putting the files into the clipboard in an unusual way, which is causing Opus to misinterpret what's there, but we'll need to look in more detail to confirm that and work out if we can fix it on the Opus side or need to liaise with the SecureFX team.
I've tested this, and can confirm your report, but I think the problem is that SecureFX is looking for something specific to Explorer as its trigger to actually download the files. Without knowing what that trigger is there's nothing we can really do about this. If you're a customer of SecureFX I'd suggest contacting their tech support to see if they can provide any information about the issue.
(I tried this in another file manager as well and it has the same problem as Opus, so it's not that Opus is doing something wrong - just that it's not doing exactly what SecureFX is expecting).
I'll contact the makers of SecureFX. About other file managers: I use PowerDesk on my Win XP computers and that has never shown the problem. I will post again when I have more information.
They are generally pretty responsive to issues like this. See if you can get the attention of Maureen Jett, and point them to this thread. Often, they'll fix the issue if they can and send you an email about a private beta with a fix.
Response from Vandyke Software, for GPSoftware (2nd paragraph below may be of use to you):
The problem is indeed a result of not receiving the expected notification from Directory Opus which we do receive from
Windows Explorer. Adding the ability to work with Directory Opus has been put on hold due to the difficulty to change
the way SecureFX does things. There are other development efforts that have a higher priority. We will let you know
if we ever add the ability to work with Directory Opus, but at this point, it will not be implemented.
Our developers did mention the specific notification that Windows Explorer sends if this might be of use to Directory
Opus: CFSTR_TARGETCLSID. If they could send this notification, SecureFX should work with Directory Opus.
If you want to communicate with VanDyke yourselves, email, put "VanDyke Software Bug Report [T00638514:009]" in the subject line,
and address the message to Todd.
There are other development efforts that have a higher priority. We will let you know if we ever add the ability to work with SecureFX, but at this point, it will not be implemented. *