Ctrl-drag to Duplicate Tab has become unreliable

Hi there,
Hope you're all doing as well as possible given the circumstances.

I've long been using Ctrl+Drag on a tab to duplicate that tab. It used to work seamlessly. Some time in the past year, I started to have trouble with it. The "+new tab" message appears, but when I release the mouse, three times out of four, the tab is not created — I have to try multiple times.

Has anyone else noticed that by any chance? Wondering if it's just my machine.
Thanks for any thoughts.

Here's an additional hint: when I right-click the tab and select Duplicate, the tab is created then the original is destroyed. I think something similar is happening when Click-dragging.

No, can't confirm. Just created a year's supply of tabs without any problem.

My guess is you have a script installed that's reaction to new tabs and going wrong in some way.

Thank you, I'll try to disable scripts to see if it helps.