(VIII.) Dopus 11: ctrl-f -- find-dialogue maximization; non-virtual folders in that dialogue
In Search dialogue (ctrl-f), double-clicking the directory path under "find in" will show a dialogue. It may be best
to maximize this dialogue by default. No use to make it smaller than necessary.
Also, if a folder is under "desktop", the dialoge seems to navigate to virtual folders instead of the real
folders under /user/... . It would be helpful if one could define that it navigate to the true path always.
[quote]In Search dialogue (ctrl-f), double-clicking the directory path under "find in" will show a dialogue. It may be best
to maximize this dialogue by default. No use to make it smaller than necessary.[/quote]
If you resize the dialog, it will remember that size the next time you use it, so if you want it to open a lot larger you can already do that.
Opening it maximized would be a bad idea. It would be jarring for simple dialogs to take over the entire screen by default. It would cause problems if you need to look at another window for information on the folder(s) you need to select. And it would mean you would had to move the mouse a very long way between the different dialog controls and OK button at the bottom.
I see the opposite behavior, but I am not sure what difference it makes if the end results are the same.
Navigating within non-virtual folders is better because they are situated within the overall structure of the User folder, such as "documents" etc. I.e. if the user double-clicks the line within the CTRL-F-Find-In-Field, he then has a better starting position, such as choosing "Users/admin" or "documents".
I agree that using maximize as a default was a stupid suggestion. However, the properties dialogue does offer maximize, but the Find-In does not. I believe the Find-In dialogue is even more in need of that option due to large folder structures. I.e. all I was saying was that a maximize button won't hurt. It is also much quicker to hit the maximize button, than to manually resize a window. Sure, it will remember, but it's still not optimal if the user has to manually resize lots of dialogues of various programs by draggin their borders.