Current directory terminal button

Hey guys I know this is probably more of a windows problem than a dopus problem, but I have 2 buttons(one as user one as admin) that open command prompt, Ubuntu, and powershell In current directory and for some reason I can't get Ubuntu to so it anymore and I'm pretty sure it used to work, any suggestions? What is the best way to call the currently focused lister pane?

I ask because the built in dopus open Wsl here works, but I want that with terminal and my split panes

Can we see the command that isn't working?

"wt.exe"; new-tab -p "Ubuntu" -d "{sourcepath|noterm}"; split-pane -p "Command Prompt" -V -d {sourcepath|noterm}; split-pane -p "Windows PowerShell" -H -d {sourcepath|noterm}

Some of those paths are quoted and some are not. Presumably they should all be the same?

Path quoting is also added automatically, when the path contains spaces, unless you specify @nofilenamequoting. You should specify it if you're adding the quotes explicitly, so extra ones aren't added as well.

Ok so I should try removing the quotes? Very interesting. Does the command look correct otherwise? I will test in a few minutes.

I'm not that familiar with wt.exe so I don't know.

Have you tried running a similar command via a Command Prompt, without Opus being involved? That will tell you if the problem is the syntax you're using or how you're generating it in Opus.