Custom columns from filename

As explained aòready here,metadata are slow for grouping and sorting so i need some custum column based on the filename
Wowbagger already helped me to understand a bit so we made a column that extract the firs part of the file. I tried to read something about Regular expression but unfortunately i didn't undersand almnost anything.

So i'm here hooping someone can do these columns for me

The format of the file is: Artist (Genre) - Title (Year)
Example: One Piece (Cartoni) - E154 L'Isola nel cielo (2011)

I need those 4 columns to show "One Piece" "Cartoni" "E154 L'Isola nel cielo" "2011"

RegExp uses Capture Groups, in the output they become $1 $2....
We can use the same RegExp for each column, have use a different capture group in the output for the columns.

Regexp ^(.*)\s\((.*)\)\s-\s(.*)\s\((\d{4})\)$
Artist $1
Genre $2
Title $3
Year $4

This is almost GREAT!
The columns are ok but i have a problem. When i don't have all informations (mostly the Year but it can be everything) the columns show the entire filename

Desidered behavior. if a file doesn't have all the info ( "One Piece (Cartoni) - E154 L’Isola nel cielo" ) the other columns should show only what they show normally and the one without info should be empty


Works only if it's they Year that is missing

You can see that the ones without "(Fantasy)" have problems. I don't relly need to specify Genre for Cartoons or Tv Series


I suggest you try learning RegExp, there are lots of good resources out there. Getting it exactly right takes trial and error, I can only go off what you request. Tools like expresso make it pretty easy.

I tried but it's too complicated. Maybe if it was in italian i could understand but i'm not sure
i downloaded that expresso you said but i don't know what to do
I mean i thought i could enter text and get the code but it's not how it works

Hi i have a different problem with these colums. The columns don't show contents after a research

Here is before a research. I will search for files with labels=Configurazioni

Here i have found the 2 results but as you can see the columns Artista and Titolo are empty

Strange is that if i go back and then forward again to the search results. the columns show what they have to show
So Directly from research=empty but browsing=OK