Custom Lister Background Image Depending on Contents

Apologies if this question has been asked before but is it possible to set a different background image for a lister depending on what the lister contents are?

For example, if I am listing the contents of My Music folder I'd like a music related background image and if I'm listing My Pictures folder I'd like a picture related background image. Hope this makes sense.


Yes, the Content Type formats can do that.

Thanks for the reply. I've had a look, but I don't seem to be able to set a background image. I've imported an image into Settings --> Preferences --> Display --> Images. I've then gone to Settings --> Preferences --> Folders --> Folder Formats --> Content Type Formats, double clicked Music (as an example) navigated to the Options Tab, checked Image and set my image from the drop-down box, clicked Ok, then Apply. However, when I open My Music folder there is no image displayed in the lister. Am I doing things correctly? Or is there something else I've forgot/changed elsewhere that's preventing displaying the image?

Content Type formats may be disabled in Preferences:

(It's Folders -> Folder Behavior in Opus 10; the screenshot is out of date, but things haven't changed that much in this case.)

If it's on, does the folder you went into have lots of music files?

I've loaded a default v9.x configuration file (I'm using Dopus v10.x) and can get it to now work with folder content type detection turned on. However, I'd rather use Path Formats instead. I like to use the Details lister view for everything. Using path formats, no matter what I do, it doesn't seem to make any difference. I'm using the path: lib://music/my music in the Path formats preference.

Sussed it (I think), if I use an absolute folder path (D:\Documents\My Music) it works!!

Hmmm. Navigating to the folder from the root of the drive through my documents to my music works fine, any alterations made are reflected in the lister. However, if i navigate via libraries --> music the changes are not made to the lister even though both ways end up at the same physical folder. Is this a bug?

Libraries -> Music (lib://music) is a different path to D:\Documents\My Music, so you need to set the format for it separately.

I see, so to clarify, Dopus determines which mods to apply to apply to a lister based on the literal string of the path to the folder and NOT the actual folder itself.

Well, yes, but conceptually they're not actually the same folder anyway. Libraries can contain more than one folder.