Custom tab icons [request]

I simply can't live without this file manager :thumbsup: , but...
With all the power Directory Opus has, I cannot understand why this feature hasn't been presented (but I may miss something)

I want to request an option to set custom tab icons based on path wildcards.
On this pic you can see two tabs with the same name:

The only way to differentiate this tabs is by the icon, which Is shown because I set the folder icon manually in the folder properties.
But this way has three downsides:

  1. you have to set the icon on each sub-folders
  2. if the drive containing the icons will change its letter, then you have to set icons again
  3. Only .ico files are supported

OR/and an option to link "folder.jpg" file to be shown instead of tab icon would also work. I mean if the folder contains a "folder.jpg" file, then opening that folder will change the current tab icon to that "folder.jpg"

Thank you!

I'm full of hope and thankfulness=) English is not ideal=)

You can use the improved folder tab labels in 10.5 to add a text prefix to each of the tabs, which is intended for this type of thing.

I'll be covering this in the 10.5 video guide that I'm finishing off at the moment.

[quote="leo"]You can use the improved folder tab labels in 10.5 to add a text prefix to each of the tabs, which is intended for this type of thing.
I'll be covering this in the 10.5 video guide that I'm finishing off at the moment.[/quote]
Thanks for reply Leo.
I had watched a video guide. Sure a "tab text prefix" option will be useful but wouldn't my suggestion make a tab navigation even more easier? :unamused:
There is no much of information we can make use of from an omnipresent folder icon.
Note the tabs on the this image:

This tabs are all leading to different paths, but are looking similar. Yes we can add a prefix to these tabs, but again different tab icons in this case would help a lot to navigate a certain one, IMHO.
look how nice chrome tabs are looking: :slight_smile:

So I sincerely request you to consider to make either of this options:
●(Ideally) use an in-folder "folder.jpg" file to display as a folder tab icon
●Make an option to set a tab icon to favorite folders which will be inherited to it sub-folders

Also I would like to remind you my another request which is also relates to folder.jpg file usage.

Thank you!

It's possible, but also quite a bit of work (UI, commands, Preferences, documentation) so we probably won't do it unless a few people ask for it.

Also, we're more likely to implement your requests if you link your account.