Sometimes I use the d8viewer.exe to view files from the command-line (thoug, if memory serves me correctly this can also happen with the internal viewer) to show different files I get an erorr dialog:
Unknown or unsupported picture format.
Now, for example the next file causes this behaviour, strange, since the file is a DOS batch-script (and it happens mostly with text files).
Rem Create xml catalog for xsldbg
@echo create xml catalog for xsldbg
md c:\etc
md c:\etc\xml
set XSLDBG_CATALOG_FILES="C:\Program Files\xsldbg\docs\en\catalog_win32"
set XSLDBG_CATALOG_FILES_URI="file:///C%%3A/Program%%20Files/xsldbg/docs/en/catalog_win32"
pause Do you wish to create new catalog %XSLDBG_CATALOG_FILES%
xmlcatalog -v --noout --create %XSLDBG_CATALOG_FILES%
xmlcatalog -v --noout --add public "-//xsldbg//DTD search XML V1.0//EN" "search.dtd" %XSLDBG_CATALOG_FILES%
xmlcatalog -v --noout --add public "-//xsldbg//DTD search XML V1.1//EN" "search_v1_1.dtd" %XSLDBG_CATALOG_FILES%
xmlcatalog -v --noout --add public "-//xsldbg//DTD xsldoc XML V1.0//EN" "xsldoc.dtd" %XSLDBG_CATALOG_FILES%
xmlcatalog -v --noout --add public "-//xsldbg//DTD config XML V1.0//EN" "config.dtd" %XSLDBG_CATALOG_FILES%
set XML_CATALOG_FILES="C:\etc\xml\catalog"
pause Do you wish to create new catalog %XML_CATALOG_FILES%
xmlcatalog -v --noout --create %XML_CATALOG_FILES%
xmlcatalog -v --noout --add nextCatalog %XSLDBG_CATALOG_FILES_URI% "" %XML_CATALOG_FILES%
set XML_CATALOG_FILES=file:///C%%3A/etc/xml/catalog
Could it be, that d8viewer thinks this is a binary and tries to interpret it like that ?
On this file: 'Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1' I get the "Unkown Filetype" dialog from WindowsXP. Still, it is a simple ASCII (or Unicode?) file.
Can you attach the file itself? By pasting it some binary characters (if any) may have been removed.
Try viewing the same thing with a different file extension. It's possible that Opus or one of the viewer plugins thinks it should be interpreting anything with a .ps1 extension as an image of some sort, then it finds it can't decode the image and gives up. Although it works completely file for me here, using the text above.
It's also worth working out which plugin (if any) is causing the problem so we know who has to fix it. Disable them all first to check if the error is in internal code, then enable a few plugins at a time to track down which one it is.
First I should mentione, that I have the Stellant filters from the Yahoo! Desktop Search installed.
The .PS1 file came up correctly this time. Maybe, because I saved it in the meantime.
However, the batch-file still bears the problem.
Ok, here is what I did:
I opened the Dopus settings window, selected Plugins. Then, leaving the prefs-dialog open I disabled all of the plugins, one by one. After each disable I chose "Apply" (leaving the prefs dialog open). Then I started d8viewer again with the batch-file. Each time the problem appeared. Right now I have disabled all of the plugins. So I get the problem with all files, of course, except bitmaps, as it seems.
...a minute later...
Now I have re-enabled all the plugins I tend to use. Interestingly the problematic bathc file (and another one, that did not function) come up ok.
Dunno. This is strange.
I will report back, as soon the problem reappears.
Hmmm...upload-comment seems out of function. This is the above DOS batch file. Please note, that I had to rename it from *.bat to *.txt due to upload restrictions. You may want to revert this on your host. createcatalog.txt (1.11 KB)
It could be the Stellant viewers but it's hard to say for sure. The error message you're seeing happens when a plugin decides that it can handle a file (based on the filename and/or file contents) and then fails to load it afterwards.
If a plugin knows it can't handle a file during the identification phase then the file will be passed on to other plugins and, if none match, eventually viewed by the Text plugin (in hex mode if it's a binary file).
So the error's occuring because a plugin is incorrectly recognising the file as something it should handle but then later realising it's not.
I will try to analyze this a little more, should I come across it another time(s). I will then report back with more example files. Thanks for helping out.