Dark Mode - Move top-row toolbars into the titlebar - Label Color

I don't use Dark Mode very often, but the colors are very well thought out in Directory Opus and on occasion I enjoy using it.
The problem is that label text colors are not converted in the resultant titlebar when switching to Dark Mode. I'm still on Win10, but I know Win10's days are numbered. I am able to upgrade my system to Win11. I just haven't done it.

Here is the top-row toolbar I am using at this time.
It does use a custom font.
IslandDunes-Titlebar.dop (4.0 KB)

A simple workaround is to make a duplicate toolbar and set the toolbar label color to white.
Then use Toolbar Sets to do the conversion to Dark Mode.

I'm thinking there may be a better workaround using Evaluator, but I'm just starting to look into this.

And with the toolbar font color changed to white I get this.

A bug or not ?

Turning off the label color seems to solve this issue without any adverse effects. Or am I overlooking something?


Yes ! That fixes the problem.