In Opus 11, is there a way to set the date format (for fields like Date Modified, Date Accessed, and others) so that it does NOT display the day of the week for current dates? All the date formats are correct, except for the current week, which shows "Today", "Yesterday", "Thursday", etc. Windows Explorer displays them correctly.
Search for "day names" in the Preferences dialog and en/disable the option found.
And in case it's not known or obvious, enter the "day names" in the search field in the lower lefet of the preferences dialog.
Awesome, thanks guys. I guessed it was simple, but that took all of about five seconds...
Thanks that helped me find it.
I was a senior systems analyst in IT for 20 years. Occasionally the company allowed a young programmer to run a project. It was a disaster every time. MS apparently has been doing that for years.
I bet it was a young DO programmer who thought it was a good idea to make that irritating setting a default.
IIRC Directory Opus 4 on the Amiga had this (and by default), so you're right, Jon was pretty young back then
I myself always found this descriptive names feature useful and cool, but on occasion I'd wish there was a way to have a full date be displayed in a tooltip (perhaps idea for Opus 13 ).
It can be both practical and impractical at times so changing the default wouldn't really matter overall IMO.