Deactivating default toolbar set / always show the Favorites Toolbar?

I recently realized how practical the Favorites Bar is and how I should have used it more, as it is the fastest to access favorites (mainly as the Quick Access list is often collapsed and has too many items either way). However, despite having "Lock Toolbars" activated, the Favorites Bar disappeared every time I closed the DO window. I finally figured out that I needed to click on "Toolbars" > "Set as default Toolbar Set" to make it stick.

Why does Directory Opus not respect whatever changes I make to the toolbar(s), but insists on using a "default toolbar set"? This and the fact that crucial settings around a "favorites" (i.e. most used!) toolbar are so hidden in a 2nd/3rd context menu level makes no sense to me.

While we are at it:
Is there some way to create a horizontal toolbar out of my pinned Quick Access items?

Settings - Set Lister Defaults

Preferences / Layouts and Styles / Default Lister / Update Default Lister automatically when closing a Lister

You can change the default toolbar set to whatever you want.

The way it works means you can turn on or off toolbars temporarily without always having to undo those changes to get back to normal. What's normal is defined by you when you save your default toolbar set.

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Thanks. This setting was already active (selected) in my preferences though.
Does this mean something is buggy, or did you mean to imply that I should turn this one off?

No, it should be switched on if new toolbars are to be saved automatically. I don't know if it's a bug, it works as it should for me.

You may be opening something other than the default lister. How are you opening the window?