Default Behaviour When Clicking A File Or Folder

Que? No tabs get created unless you specifically configure it to do so.

Here's the thread: [Can Directory Opus Be Forced To Reuse The Same Folder Tab?) (It's about new tabs being made when you double-click stuff in a Locked tab, and the idea of having a temporary tab.)

You're asking the wrong person but I imagine it depends what else Jon is working on for the next update and what other issues come up over the next few days. For now, just click the file display border to activate the file list.

You bad nasty geniuses must have implememented remote acess and maintenance in Dopus v.9! :open_mouth:

How else could it be that one hour after uttering a wish for the first time ("get rid of the rename by mouse click altogether") this has been accomplished in my copy of dopus - without any download or even restart! :open_mouth: :sunglasses: :open_mouth:

I can't rename any files anymore by mouse click! Only F2 still works. GREAT! How on earth have you done that?


Did you change view modes or change your mouse driver's double-click time? Certain combinations seem to stop the mouse from triggering inline rename mode (which is what this thread is all about...).

I played around a little with the "select entire row" setting in Dopus, and clicked a couple of times on the file display border (good tip btw).

That was about all I did... :sunglasses:

Anyway, I hope Dopus keeps that behaviour,


Opus now only triggers inline rename when you click the filename and not when you click the icon, as requested.

Full list of changes here: [Directory Opus