Default location for the first lister, DO already loaded

Hello again,

My relevant settings:
Preferences -> Launching Opus -> Startup:

  • Launch Directory Opus automatically on startup: checked
  • Don't open any Listers: selected

The above settings are nice because they load DO in background, so it opens fast when I need it. But ....

... when pressing Win+E, DO always opens with "Computer" selected. I would like it to open by default on a custom location (i.e. my D: drive). Is this possible ?


Change your Win-E command to...

Go D:\

Windows+E is a Windows hotkey (defined by the system) that is hard-coded to open the Computer folder. Opus traps it because of Explorer Replacement mode, but it doesn't actually control the folder that is opened.

The workaround is to use Opus to re-configure the global hotkey to run a command that opens the desired folder. To do this, go to Settings / Customize / Keys, and click the New Hotkey button to create a new hotkey. Turn the System-wide Hotkey option, give the hotkey a name if desired, and then click in the Hotkey field and press Windows+E. Then set the function to Go D:\ NEW or similar and click OK.

Note that Opus has to be running (in the background at least) for global hotkeys to work - if Opus is not running then pressing Windows+E will open the Computer folder as before.

@jon: Thanks a lot, it works like a charm. It's amazing how versatile DO is :slight_smile:

@blueroly: although you posted first the same solution, and I'm grateful for your time, I would suggest next time to be more explicit. There is no "WIN+E command", I used that key combination long before I found DO. If it wasn't for Jon I wouldn't have had a clue how to do it :frowning: