Recently, when I plug a flash drive from certain brands into front ports on a Win7ProDell980Optiplex, it takes a very long time for them to appear in DO. When I do the same in WinExplorer, they show up in seconds. I have: renewed all drivers to all hubs and controllers; disabled and enabled both USB hubs to re-register. Update the machines bios and chipset drivers; slow reformatted the flash drives with FAT32. So why does WE recognize the flash drive (after the green bar on top gets to the end, and why does it take so long with DO. Often DO will not recognize the flash drives at all. SanDisk seems the only brand that shows up instantly. Everything else, takes 30sec to a minute to show up. What is it: hubs, controllers, drivers, the units themselves, DO or WE? Thanks.
Once the drive appears in Explorer, does it appear in Opus if you go to the My Computer folder in Opus and (if needed) manually refresh it?
No, it still takes Opus at least 30 second to a minute to recognize the device. In WE it's a matter of seconds. And in WE I can take it in and out of various ports on the hub and it comes up in seconds.
Try turning on Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders / Show empty disk drives to see if that make it appear faster.
Failing that, see if turning off Preferences / Folders / Virtual Folders / Native display of 'Computer' makes a difference.
(In both cases, just look at the My Computer folder in Opus, not the folder tree, toolbar drive buttons, etc. which have separate options and won't be affected by the ones we're testing here.)