After extracting an archive I want to be able to delete it (the original) ONLY if no error occurs (i.e wrong password).
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" x {f} {d}
this extract and deletes the archive regardless of the errorlevel.
I want to be able to delete the archive only if no error occurs.
Is there a way to accomplish something like this:
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" x {f} {d}
if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit else goto Delete
Off course I could enable this functionality inside WinRAR itself, but there are some scenarios when I want to keep the original file. Opening WinRaR each time to change that can be frustrating.
I went through Opus, WinRaR and 7-Zip documentation but none offer me a way to do it with commandline.
Using DOS batch-file branching in combination with Opus commands won't work since the Opus commands are run separately (and the batch file split up between internal commands).
You should either use the DOS del command, instead of the Opus delete command, or use the dopusrt.exe program to run the Opus delete command as part of the batch file.
Something like this (NOT TESTED):
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" x {f} {d}
if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit else goto Delete
del {f}
Or this (also NOT TESTED):
"C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" x {f} {d}
if ERRORLEVEL 1 exit else goto Delete
"C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /CMD Delete {f} ALL FORCE QUIET
You may also be able to do it using just internal commands and extracting the files using Opus instead of WinRAR.
I see posts about problems with Rar alot here. If you are having problems, I would suggest installing ExtractNow http://www.extractnow.com/, or UnZiplify http://www.silverbandsoftware.com/tabdown/unziplify/. These programs are small, extract multiple formats, and allow you to set automatic options for extraction and post extraction (search for archives in folders and subfolders, enque, extract here, extract new folder, delete archive when no errors, etc.). You can then add these to your context menu using the folowing
Standard Function
They make my life a lot easier when messing with a bunch of archives!
hm ok, when extracting multiple archives the script doesn't do it's magic as intended. The deletion only occurs when ALL extractions report an errorcode of 0. If one is erroneous none of the archives is deleted, even if the others are successful.
@UTChamps05: well thx for the recommendation, but seems it won't help in this situation. Like WinRaR, you can set the option to delete only within the settings, no batch.
Of course I could use any of the two Apps for the deletion part and another or dopus internal for extraction only. that would be the last resort.
If rar.exe had a delete switch everything would be smooth.
You could move the commands into a batch file (or an Opus "user command" for that matter) and then make the main button call that, once per file, passing the paths as arguments.
With a separate batch being run for each file you'll get independent error/delete logic for each file as well.
The "If" command is only available with MS-DOS Batch Type buttons.
However, even if you change the button type that code still won't work. The MS-DOS ERRORLEVEL variable is only set by other DOS commands and won't be set by the internal Opus Copy command.
If you want to use "if ERRORLEVEL..." then you have to use an external command such as WinRar.exe or 7zG.exe to do the extraction.