Delete history

How does DO9 save the history for search/find and rename/replace? I don't want the history to be saved with the configuration.

Edit: I found it in the .osd-files (folder state data). But there're a lot of other informations. It looks like windows position and more is also saved here, so I can't just delete the files.

Question: Is there a way to disable history or maybe I just could write protect the files?

Open Tools Menu - Output Window and click on the Undo tab. You can delete your history there.

Hmm, this does not work. There's nothing in the list to delete/undo, but the last find-command (ctrl-f) is still there.

Doesn't DO offer a command like "delete history" (like browsers have)?

I'm sorry I missed the intent of your original question. You were talking about history within a field or a dialog, not your Undo history.

I do not believe there is a way to clear those at the moment, aside from deleting the XML files that store them. I haven't dug into this yet, so I don't know which files clear what.

Go to /dopuslocaldata and delete everything under the MRU subdirectory, then restart Opus.

@Nudel: That's it, thanks.

Now that's handy.

I'm think I'm going to put ClearMRU on my list of User Commands to create (with switches for each MRU file). There I are some things I always want to delete, and others I'd like to keep.