File And Folder Management On Phones

I read through some old threads about similar problems people are having with phones, and in particular Samsung phones. I'm not sure if this one was mentioned.

I recently bought a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra and ran into some problems with Directory Opus and file and folder handling.

I successfully copied some music from my PC to the phone using Directory Opus and a USB cable.
The music contained some sub-folders that contained some JPG album art.
I later decided to delete the sub-folders and only keep the music, but Directory Opus couldn't completely do it. I clicked "Skip all conflicting files", and it deleted the JPG files, but left the empty folders. I tried again to delete the empty folders, but without success.

After these problems, I used File Explorer to delete the sub-folders containing JPG files without any issues. Both files and folders were deleted successfully.

PS: I have had similar problems using Directory Opus with my Canon IXUS 285 HS Digital Camera.

Best advice is here: MTP and transferring files with Android and iOS phones, Cameras

I've just set mtp_enable to false.
I haven't tested it yet.

That can help, although I'd recommend going straight to using FTP/SFTP, as it's easy to set up, much more reliable and works over wifi without having to plug in a USB cable all the time.

Yeah, I think you're right. I might look for a more recently updated FTP server app.
The one mentioned in the article may still work, but it hasn't been updated since 2017.

I was reading about Droid Transfer. Not sure if it's similar. Another article mentions AnyDroid.

By the way.
My Canon IXUS 285 HS Digital Camera transfers file wirelessly over Wi-Fi without the need for any additional software.

Thanks for the tips, Leo.

After giving it some thought, both Android file managers I have installed have FTP server functionality.
File Manager + and File Manager - XFolder both do a good job, although File Manager - XFolder also supports anonymous login.