I'm transitioning from ExplorerPlus which may explain why I'm having trouble with delete. In ExplorerPlus I'm used to being able to delete whatever file or folder is highlighted by hitting the delete button. Today however I was using Dopus. The folder I wanted to delete was highlighted, so by force of habit, I hit delete. I was so sure of myself I used the button I created for delete without going to the recycle bin (since it was a very large folder). Then "poof", an important folder was missing. What happened is that Dopus highlights a file or folder in each lister (I always used dual listers). So one has to pay attention to which lister is which. The folder names in the two listers happened to be the same (one local, the other in a network drive). Once I realized I deleted the wrong one, I thought ... no problem. Dopus has an undo. I went to undo only to find that the delete command was not in there. (Earlier commands were however). I don't know why that happened. So in the end, I lost some stuff I wanted do to pilot error. There is a question here eventually ... Is there a way to tell Dopus to hightlight only one thing at a time (i.e. the last thing I clicked on). That would make it much easier to transition from other file managers.
Opus can only facilitate Undo if you Delete to the Recycle Bin. Otherwise, there is no backup copy of your file. This is documented in the manual and help file under the Delete NORECYCLE command.
In terms of selecting files, Opus Details Mode works the same way Windows Explorer Details Mode. If select File A, it remains selected until you select something else (unless you hold down the or keys).
It sounds like you might have been in Power Mode (which looks just like Details). In this view mode, files selection is much different.
On the default Toolbar, there is a Cycle View Mode button (bicycle icon). It is a menu-button--the main button cycles through the view modes, and the pop-up menu lists all the various View Modes. When in doubt, check that menu and it will show you which View Mode you are in.
You can customize the Cycle button to have it only cycle through the View Modes that you wish to use, and in the order that you wish them to appear.
For example, this is my button:
Set VIEW=Cycle,Thumbnails,LargeIcons,Details
Notice I do not Cycle through Power Mode (though I can still apply it from the pop-up menu).
Customizing this button will help you ensure you are using the View Mode you want and not trouble you with the other View Modes
Yes, I see now that Power mode does work quite differently, however
I checked and I was not in Power mode. I was in detail mode with dual horizontal listers.
I'm not sure you can compare directly with Windows Explorer since it doesn't have the equivalent of dual listers in one window. However we can compare against PowerDesk or ExplorerPlus both of which have dual displays. If you have either of these programs, open it up in dual display mode. Click on a file in the upper display. The file will highlight (black background with light characters on my display - default I believe). Then click on a file in the lower display. You will find that then new file highlights, and the file previously selected in the upper window get unselected. Since I've been using those programs for a long time, this seems entirely natural and desirable that only 1 file at a time is selected.
Now try the same thing in Dopus. Click on a file in the upper display. It will highlight (black background) as expected. Then click on a file in the lower display. It highlights as expected, but the file in the upper display remains highlighted. Perhaps this is really a better way of doing things since Dopus has the concept of the source and distination listers which I suppose will becom useful once I become familar with its. However at the moment it seems like a nusance. so I was asking if there was a way to revert to the "only one file selected at a time" model that I am used to.
The same thing happens when you changes tabs, DOpus keeps in memory the selected items in all the tabs in all the listers.
In fact what you're asking is to deselect files in the source lister when you select them in the destination one. I don't know if it is possible, as you've said DOpus uses its own system with source lister in green and destination lister in red. If you familiarize yourself with this system which is finally the same thing than highlight a lister using the selection of items you will see the benefit:
Situation 1: You have selected many files in the upper view and you need to copy them in the lower view...but you're not in the right directory in this view, you change to the correct one and select again the upper view. Fortunately DOpus has kept all your advanced selection and you just need to use the simple button copy to destination to do the job.
Anyway, you can change the color of the active and inactive lister if the green and red are not enough visible (active with white background and black text and inactive with black background and white text or what you want). I think the best way should be a new option in "Preferences/Display/Colors & Fonts" to customize the color background of inactive lister (a bit darker) to prevent mistake
Just because the highlighting is removed doesn't mean DOpus would have to forget anything. For instance, the way Explorer plus handles it is when you click anywhere in the second lister, the file or files selected in the first lister are deselected and no longer highlighted. However if one later clicks any of the section headers (name, size, date, etc) of the first lister again, then the files that were previously selected in that lister again become highlighted. I guess it comes down to only having one lister active at a time. DOpus doesn't quite work that way which can be confusing.
Yes, it seems that only the color of the title bar can be used to distinquish the active lister. As you say, if you could change the background color as well it would be much more obvious. Or even if you could just change the way a file was highlighted, that also would probably be sufficient. I guess I should post this to the suggestion box.
There's been a suggestion to make it easier to tell which files are selected in the active (i.e. Source) pane, by dimming the selection colours in the inactive pane. I don't know when/if it will be implemented but it seemed to get a favourable reaction.