Descrit.ions not being shown in File Collections?


In my search for a good Explorer replacement I came across DOpus, downloaded it (version, got an eval license and got stuck in. Frankly, I'm liking the experience!

Looking at some of the possibilities, I started playing with the File Collections feature. I had already added some descriptions to some directories and wanted to add these to a File Collection. However, The descriptions don't seem to be shown in the Collections very wel... I looked whether I could find related items in the forum, but unfortunately, I can't. Hence, my first post...

When I add a description to a File Collection entry, the result is not updated in the other panel (I'm using the Commander style, if that's the right term). For that I need to do an update () in that panel. Not a big problem, but an inconsistency, perhaps.

The other thing is that if I later come back to the File Collection, the descriptions have disappeared; they're still assigned to the directories, but they're just not shown. Am I missing something, is it required behaviour or is it a 'bug'?

Thanks for the feedback.

I can confirm that if you're viewing a file collection and a real folder, in two lists, then when you set a file's description in the collection the real-folder view doesn't refresh. Opus does refresh the other view in the case that both lists show real folders so I guess this is a small bug/oversight that you've found.

I can't reproduce your 2nd problem, though. If I go back to a collection and turn on the Description column (which is off for collections on my computer) then the descriptions appear as you'd expect. Are you seeing a blank Description column or is it simply not switched on?

Hi nudel,

I'll try to be more precise...

I 'Go -> File Collections' in which I actually have a 'sub' File Collection (call it FC1) and when I go into FC1, where my collection of related folders is, I get no descriptions.

in both the File Collections and FC1 panels, the Description column is visible, there's just no entries in it... If I select one of the entries and click the 'Set Description' button, the dialog comes up with the proper description; clicking cancel does not update the Descriptions column, clicking OK does update the Descriptions column for that entry only.

I also tried adding a folder with a description to the root File Collection and no description turns up; same kind of problem. But, if I try to change the description of that one (its the same one as I use in FC1) by pressing the 'Set Description' button, then there is no description present in the dialog! Oh... correction, that's becaus it just got added as a new File collection and not as a File Folder type... False alarm. :blush:

Hope it's of some help to you. If not, just ask...

So you mean you can't set descriptions on file collections themselves, rather than the things inside of file collections?

Damn, Still not being clear enough...

Try these steps to see if you can reproduce it (in Commander style)

  1. Make a new collection "New Collection" and open it
  2. Make a new diretory C:\TestDir
  3. Add TestDir to New Collection (Drag 'n drop)
  4. Change TestDir description -> updated in both panels (i.e. also in New Colection)
  5. In Collections panel, go up (Backspace) and the back into New Collection -> in my case, this does not show the Description in the "New Collection" panel
  6. Select the TestDir in the Collection and press the "Set Desciption Button' -> The dialog pops up with the correct description
  7. Press OK -> New Collection display is updated with the correct description.

Hopefully this is sufficient for a reproducable effect.


Confirmed. It seems to only affect folders in collections and I must have only tried files before.

Just found out that a similar problem exists in View->Flat View->Group mode, where the descriptions of sub-directories with descriptions are not shown properly, although the description is still assigned. :frowning:

Thought you should know.


Wow, following up on my own posts... 8)

Another 'behavioural anomaly' with descriptions:

1 - Create a Directory "Foo"
2 - Inside it create new directory "Bar"
3 - Go up and delete Foo

Aha. That works as expected. Now, insert in to the process:

2a - Add a description to directory "Bar"

Whoops, after step 3 there's an error that the directory is not empty. True it wasn't. There was a file descript.ion that is hidden from view (a hidden hidden file - why BTW? What else is DOpus 'hiding'?).

3.a Abort and try deleting it again.

That works.


There's an option in Prefs somewhere to hide the descript.ion files - you can turn this off if you don't like the whole conspiracy thing.

I'll leave it as an exercise for you to find where it is.

Thanks Jon,

Didn't mean to sound so paranoid :blush:

Should have looked more closely at the preferences. Forgive me?


I have an issue write-up that I have not yet submitted. My results sound very similar to the discussion in this thread, even though I am not using Collections. There seems to be an issue with Opus setting descriptions to folders (as opposed to files). I will dig up my research and file an official issue report. It will be awhile, since I'm swamped this week.

Yes, I guess so. I restarted this morning, but saw that there is only one descript.ion file (yes I found it in the prefs) for the whole tree... It seems as though the entries for sub directories (in flat view mode, at least) are not saved, just cached in memory, or something. After exiting DOpus and restarting, the description is still there, but there's no descript.ion file in the parent folder.

I will avoid the use of descriptions for now, I guess.
