Deselecting file in inactive window?

Hello, I am a new DO user, currently trying DO 10.

I have one question:

How to deselect file selection in inactive window when clicking on some file or folder in other window? I using commander mode, and both sides left and right always have selected items. Example:


You can't, but there are options for fading the selection colours in inactive windows, so it is easier to tell which window is active.

Thanks for answer.

Also, I notice a bug or?

Always after burning disc, hideempty function not work well, on any other disc work great. After burning disc, dvd rw drive is not hiding.

I must to restart Dopus to lose icon of dvdrw. Bug or maybe wrong settings?

If you open Windows Explorer at the Computer folder and keep it open, then burn and eject the DVD, does Explorer hide the drive without requiring a manual refresh?

If not, the drive itself may not be reliably sending eject / media-change notifications to Windows.

Yes, explorer hide icon of inserted DVD after ejecting automaticly without refresh. But, also notice that in dopus window dvd rw hide on eject.. but after ~1 second return.

This only happens when both explorer and dopus are open in same time