Desktop right click menu


I was using Opus this morning. While I was a directory to another drive AVG Anti Virus decided Opus was a virus and deleted it without my permission.

I tried to reinstall it but AVG wouldn't allow me, as it still detected it as a virus. I rebooted and reinstalled Opus, but the right click context menu on the desktop has lost the entry to "Open a new lister". Can you tell how can I get it back, please? I can't find the option in preferences, (must be going blind).

I am running Window 8.1.



Is Opus still set to replace Explorer?

I would also check AVG's logs to see if it is still blocking or deleting parts of Opus, since it could still be paraboid about obe DLL but not the others.

Two people have also reported that this month's Windows 8.1 security updates have broken the Opus shell extension and some other similar menu items from other software, although this is as yet unconfirmed, and doesn't happen on our machines (unless the Windows update is breaking different things for us and we're not noticing they're gone).