Details view for top level folder, switching to thumbnail view for all subfolders

Hi, I have quite a specific use case - I'm wondering, is it possible to set a certain top level folder to have one view (eg details) and then have all subfolders within that folder (including any new ones I add) to have a different view (thumbnails)? I have a folder containing subfolders that each contain images for my work. It would be great if when i opened each subfolder it changed to show big thumbnails of the images.


It can be done via Preferences / Folders / Folder Formats in a couple of ways:

  1. A Content Type Format can do that automatically when entering a folder which is mostly images.

    (In Opus 12, for those to work you also need to turn on Preferences / Folders / Folder Behavior / Enable Folder Content Type detection for... for the type of drive(s) involved. Not required in Opus 13.)

    You may not want that for all such folders, in which case see the next option.

  2. Create a Wildcard Path Format matching C:\Path\To\ParentFolder\* which won't match the parent folder but will match everything below it. That can be set to change matching folders to thumbnails mode.

    Assuming the parent folder is just going to look like normal, nothing else is needed. (Or, if the parent folder needs its own custom format, a basic Path Format can be created for it; just make sure the option to apply it to sub-folders is off.)

Thanks a lot Leo! Option 2 sounds like exactly what I want. But I tried this and it didn't work. I added a new wildcard path entry and added the path as you suggested, then I clicked the check box on the Display tap and changed the view mode to thumbnails. I also checked the thumbnail size box and specified the size i wanted.

I saved this but it still shows subfolders as my standard view, which is actually details + thumbnails. Did i miss something?

I think perhaps i have a path format set for my main folder (a couple of levels higher up) that applies to all subfolders. Is there a way to keep my standard path format for all other folders and make this apply just to these subfolders?

Yes, the path format should have a checkbox that lets you say it only applies to that path and not subfolders of it. I think it’s on the format’s Options tab in Opus 12 and at the bottom of the dialog (all tabs) in 13.

Thanks, checking this box seems to make no difference, still not working...

Yes, the path format should have a checkbox that lets you say it only applies to that path and not subfolders of it. I think it’s on the format’s Options tab in Opus 12 and at the bottom of the dialog (all tabs) in 13.

Thanks, this didn't seem to help either, not sure what I'm missing

Ah I figured it out, i had a path format entry listed for the entire C directory, I removed this and it works now.

OK so can I have a path format that applies to all subfolders but then have another path folder rule that over-rides that for just one subfolder?

Ie i have one folder view (thumnails + details) that I want to be my default view for all subfolder folders in my main documents folder with one exception - the pictures folder where I want every subfolder to have the big thumnails view.

Should be possible, via two wildcard formats if one path and one wildcard format doesn’t already handle it.

Thanks again Leo,

I was able to get what i wanted by editing the default format, it's all working perfectly now. I was not even aware of the folder formats section in preferences, it's incredibly powerful!

Directory Opus is such an awesome program, I'm looking forward to the release of v 13.