The Dialog box font (copying files, create folder, confirm delete, etc) is hideous and I can't find any way to change it.
I'm pretty sure it used to be ok until I started playing around with the font option preferences in Dopus.
Any ideas on how to change it to something else? I'm running Win8 Pro 64bit. Thanks.
That is not the default font. The dialog font comes from your Windows configuration and must have been changed somewhere.
Do other dialogs in other programs also use that font?
Are you using Window Blinds or anything like that which potentially modifies visual settings on a per-application basis?
This is how the progress dialog normally looks, font-wise (obviously the window border and controls also look different due to Windows 7 vs Windows 8 differences, but the font should look the same in both versions of Windows, by default, unless something has changed it):
Those two little glyphs in the middle of the title bar do suggest something is patching in and modifying things.
Hi Leo, Jon,
Thanks for the responses. The font in question is most noticeable in file operation dialogs but also appears on the save/cancel buttons in 'save/save as' dialogs. I'm not using WindowBlinds but do have other Stardock programs installed - Fences, Start8, Tiles.
I also tried changing the system font via Registry (FontSubstitutes > MS Shell Dlg) but it made no difference to the dialog box font.
Anyways, I'm satisfied that it's not Dopus causing the issue and was just a coincidence I noticed the issue after playing with fonts in Dopus preferences. I'll keep digging elsewhere for a solution.
Cheers, Phil