Different Sizes for Different Listers

I have icons set up on the Desktop and in Quick Launch (Windows XP) for various folders. Some folders have many (up to about 50) files in them, while others have only a few (5-10). I would like for the Listers for each of these different folders to be of a size that is only large enough to show the files in them. That is, when I click to open a folder with 50 files, I want the Lister to be LARGE enough to show all the files without having to scroll. Likewise, when I open a folder with only 5 files, I would like the Lister to be SMALL enough to show only those files, without the Lister taking up all the Desktop.

I've tried everything I know to accomplish this. But, no matter what size the Listers show up, if I have expanded a Lister to show all the files without having to scroll, and then used Tools:Folder Options and saved it, all the folders with few files then show up in the large size. ?????

Hope someone can help. At least the native Windows architecture allows saving different views with different sizes!

Thanks In Advance,


You need to either:

[ul][li]Save a Layout (not a Folder Format) for each folder and then drag the layouts to the QuickLaunch bar to create shortcuts which open them;

[li]Create shortcuts to dopusrt.exe on the QuickLaunch bar which run commands like "C:\program files\gpsoftware\directory opus\dopusrt.exe" /CMD GO PATH="PPP" NEW=,,W,H where PPP is the path and W and H are the width and height. (Actually, I can't get this to work right now so maybe I have the syntax wrong. I'll post a followup once I've worked out what's up, but the layouts option is probably easier anyway, so go with that).[/li][/ul]

Hmm, I haven't used such an idea since back in the days of Magellan. I did have a niphty little ARexx script which took all the sizes of the icons, aranged by preference for the directory, then resized the window for best fit with a 10px padding around the given icons. With a single command line setting the icons were listed in groups aligned left, aligned right, centered, or justified. Anything other than left aligned took multiple passes to work correctly. I added a tooltype to each .info file which changed the priority of placement. This way I could have the applications in the folder closest to the close button and the support files below the directories. A friend of mine made it even better when he changed the design so it was recursive for all directories which had a directoryName.info file associated. God it was sick to watch it run, but when it was done, all of the windows and icons for each window were placed perfectly. It really only had one window open at a time but you would swear up and down there were at least five on the screen at any given point.

But this is Opus8 we're talking about. Outside of using styles, manually resizing, or the SET functionality (mentioned by Nudel) I don't believe this option is possible thanks to the limitations of the OS.

Not sure how well it would work but you could have a VBScript which is given all files/folders when it is run, then counts how many items it was given to works out the required size which is then passed to the Set command.