Currently, both the simple rename dialog and the advanced renamed dialog have "Rename - Directory Opus" as title and "#32770" as class.
I want to automate the sizing of the advanced renamed dialog only by using another tool, but I am unable to exclude the simple rename dialog from receiving the same treatment - because that tool is unable to distinguish between them.
I request that the title of the advanced rename dialog be changed to something like "Advanced Rename - Directory Opus" or "Rename (Presets) - Directory Opus" (makes no difference what it is, as long as it differs from the simple dialog).
Can the tool you are using look at the dialog to see if it has an Advanced button? That would be a way to tell the two things apart.
Or can it tell if a window is resizable or not? The simple dialog is not resizable, which is another way to tell it apart (and that it shouldn't be resized).
Using the actual size of the dialog is another possibility, since the minimum size of the advanced dialog is much larger than the fixed size of the simple one.
Maybe for you. Using a better automation tool might be an idea.
Could you give more detail on what you automating? The advanced rename dialog should remember its size automatically so you should not normally need to automate resizing it.
You can also control which dialog opens, and never see the simple dialog if you don't want to, if you are automating something which opens the dialog and then resizes it. Are we trying to solve the right problem here, or would it be better to make the automation always open the advanced dialog, if that is what it wants?
It is a tool to set the size of windows automatically, not for task automation. Does it job well, especially after pesky games forcibly activate full screen with a low resolution causing the windows' size to change even when back to the default resolution.
I open the dialogs manually.
By itself the advanced dialog seems to always leave some empty space to the right or to the left. My tool can force it to "snap" to the edge of the screen.
A possible quick solution is to save a rename preset of how you want the advanced dialog to look when it opens, then make the advanced dialog open with that preset loaded, which will change the titlebar.
If you are using the default rename button from the Opus 12 toolbars, the command should look like this:
There is no rush. I can wait for the community to express opposition to that change. If it does not happen in some months, then I will propose the change again.